Survey Interviewer
Survey interviewing work is carried out across the whole country. However, it is the policy of the CSO to assign interviewers to suitable geographical locations based on their home address. Therefore, the offer of an appointment to a position will depend on both the candidate’s geographical location and their position on the panel. Successful Survey Interviewers may be asked to work on a number of different surveys which may include but not limited to the Labour Force Survey (LFS), the Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC), and the Household Budget Survey (HBS). The CSO are also recruiting through this campaign for interviewers to work on the new baby cohort of Growing Up in Ireland – the national longitudinal study of children in Ireland which has been following the progress of c.20,000 children and their families since 2006. More information on CSO Household Surveys can be found on the CSO website: Requirements for the position • Education requirement: intermediate certificate/junior certificate or equivalent; • Hold a current full driving licence and have the full use of a car for the hours spent working on the survey: • Fluent English both written and spoken; • Proven experience of personal interaction with the public ideally through face to face and telephone interviewing, practical social work or related work; • Good IT software skills, e.g., Microsoft Office 365 and MS Teams; • Availability to work flexible hours. This flexibility extends to working variable hours during evenings, Saturdays and some daytime work when potential respondents are at home; • The ability to guarantee confidentiality at all times in relation to your role; • Good communication/articulation skills together with good persuasion and negotiating skills;
Special Features The Interviewer position is a lone worker position. This means that the Interviewer works from their home and organises and completes their own work under the supervision of the Survey Coordinator in line with role requirements. Interviewers must be available to work flexible hours. Survey Interviewers are expected to work on average 25.15 hours per week. Depending on the survey involved, this flexibility will extend to working variable hours during evenings, Saturdays and some daytime work when potential respondents are available.
Survey Interviewer Duties and Responsibilities: Preparation for interviewing/collection process This involves attending appropriate training sessions as directed by field management/CSO headquarters. Training may be conducted on-site or virtually. This training process involves studying any necessary documentation, learning how to use IT systems and processes as well as testing new questions/processes. A tablet computer and smartphone will be used to manage interviewer workload. Attendance at training is mandatory.
Survey Interviewing/Collection Survey work requires interviewers to carry out data collection by means of electronic data capture, using a tablet or other data capturing device. Interviewers will be required to transfer data to CSO headquarters in the manner prescribed for each particular survey. Interviewers will be expected to meet minimum data collection targets and deadlines as outlined by field management. Interviewers are expected to meet high data quality standards in a timely manner.
Liaison with Field Management/CSO Headquarters Interviewers are expected to be in regular contact with field management through telephone, email, virtual meetings (e.g., MS Teams) or in-person contact. Administration Interviewers will be expected to complete and submit relevant administrative documentation by specific deadlines using both electronic and paper methods.
Data Protection Interviewers will ensure high levels of data governance and information security particularly regarding access to confidential data.
Other duties Any other duties, which may be assigned from time to time, as appropriate to the position of Survey Interviewer.
Being a Household Survey Interviewer in the CSO What surveys will I work on? You could be working on a range of different surveys and may be simultaneously working on up to 3 surveys at a time – so time management and multi-tasking skills are a must. Some of the main surveys conducted by CSO Household Survey Interviewers are the Labour Force Survey (LFS), the Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC), and the Household Budget Survey (HBS). The CSO are also recruiting through this campaign for interviewers to work on the new baby cohort of Growing Up in Ireland – the national longitudinal study of children in Ireland which has been following the progress of c.20,000 children and their families since 2006 From time-to-time the CSO conducts other surveys, as requested, and you may be asked to work on these as well. Information on CSO household surveys is available on the CSO website What will my working hours be? You will be contracted to work 25.15 hours per week. You will have flexibility in working these hours, but there is a requirement for evening and Saturday work – you are not required to work any Sundays. We have found that the best times to interview households tend to be between 4pm and 8pm, though this may vary depending on the area you are in. Households are willing to give up their free time to participate in our surveys and it is important that you are as flexible as possible to find a time that suits them to participate.
Where will I be working? Your work assignments will be based on your home location and will branch out from there. You may need to travel further from home at times and the distance of the travel will depend on whether your location is urban or rural in nature. Flexibility in relation to travel is required at times to meet the demands of individual surveys. Your area of work may change from time to time. What will I be paid? Starting rate of pay effective 1st October 2023 is €333.98 per week. In addition to this, there is also the potential to earn an additional completion payment of up to 13% of gross pay depending on response rates achieved. Civil service mileage rates apply for any work-related travel in addition to other allowances which may be payable. What training will I receive? All household survey interviewers will receive comprehensive training on the role before starting work. This usually involves initial on-site training in the Cork Office over 5 days, with a further on-site and online training sessions depending on which surveys you will be working on. Quarterly, regional in-person training sessions are also organised, as well as ad-hoc training sessions from time to time. On-going training and support will be provided by your appointed Coordinator, who will be your first line of contact with the CSO and will manage your work on a day-to-day basis. What is expected of me? Minimum expected response rates will apply to each of the surveys on which you work, and you will be expected to achieve these rates. Household survey interviewers are the CSO representatives at doorsteps across the country and must at all times carry out their work in a professional and respectful manner. You will be expected to maintain regular contact and communication with your Coordinator.
Key Competencies for Survey Interviewer Customer Service & Communication Skills • Actively listens to others and tries to understand their perspectives/requirements/needs. • Understands the steps or processes that customers must go through and can clearly explain these. • Is respectful, courteous and professional, remaining composed, even in challenging circumstances. • Can be firm when necessary and communicate with confidence and authority. • Communicates clearly and fluently when speaking and in writing.
Delivery of Results • Takes responsibility for work and sees it through to the appropriate next level. • Completes work in a timely manner. • Adapts quickly to new ways of doing things. • Checks all work thoroughly to ensure it is completed to a high standard and learns from mistakes. • Demonstrates initiative and flexibility in ensuring work is delivered. • Is self-reliant and uses judgment on when to ask manager or colleagues for guidance.
Information Management/Processing • Approaches and delivers all work in a thorough and organised manner. • Follows procedures and protocols, understanding their value and the rationale behind them. • Keeps high quality records that are easy for others to understand. • Is comfortable working with different types of information, e.g., written, numerical, charts, and carries out calculations such as arithmetic, percentages etc.
Drive & Commitment to Public Service Values • Consistently strives to perform at a high level and deliver a quality service. • Serves the government and people of Ireland. • Is thorough and conscientious, even if work is routine. • Is enthusiastic and resilient in the face of challenging circumstances and setbacks. • Is personally honest and trustworthy. • At all times acts with integrity. • Understands own role in the team, making every effort to play their part.
Eligibility to Compete and Certain Restrictions on Eligibility Citizenship Requirements Eligible candidates must be: (a) A citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA consists of the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway; or (b) A citizen of the United Kingdom (UK); or (c) A citizen of Switzerland pursuant to the agreement between the EU and Switzerland on the free movement of persons; or (d) A non-EEA citizen who has a stamp 4 visa1 ; or
(e) A person awarded international protection under the International Protection Act 2015 or any family member entitled to remain in the State as a result of family reunification and has a stamp 4 visa; or (f) A non-EEA citizen who is a parent of a dependent child who is a citizen of, and resident in, an EEA member state or the UK or Switzerland and has a stamp 4 visa.] Please note that a 50 TEU visa, which is a replacement for Stamp 4EUFAM after Brexit, is acceptable as a Stamp 4 equivalent. To qualify candidates must meet one of the citizenship criteria above by the date of any job offer. Selection Process The Selection Process may include the following: • Shortlisting of candidates based on the information contained in their Application Form • A competitive interview • Any other tests or exercises that may be deemed appropriate. Applicants who are successful in this competition will be placed on a panel, in an order of merit. The offer of an appointment to a position will depend on both the candidate’s geographical location and their position on the panel.
Permanent Panel: On completion of the selection process a panel of permanent Survey Interviewers will be formed in order of merit from which candidates may be called. The permanent panel will be maintained for no longer than 3 years. The offer of an appointment to a position will depend on both the candidate’s geographical location and their position on the panel.
Temporary Panel A panel of temporary Survey Interviewers will be established. The panel will be maintained for no longer than 3years. The offer of an appointment to a position will depend on both the candidate’s geographical location and their position on the panel. Should similar vacancies, including temporary positions, arise elsewhere in the CSO candidates may be drawn from this competition.
Shortlisting If the number applying for the position is such that it would not be practical to interview everyone, the CSO may decide that only a certain number will be called to interview. In this respect a short-listing board will examine the application forms and assess them against pre-determined criteria based on the requirements of the position. The board will select a group for interview who, based on an examination of the application forms, appear to be the most suitable for the position. This is not to suggest that other candidates are necessarily unsuitable or incapable of undertaking the job, rather that there are some candidates, who based on their application, appear to be better qualified and/or have more relevant experience. It is therefore in your own interest to provide a detailed and accurate account of your qualifications/experience in your application.
Security Clearance You will be required to complete and return a Garda eVetting form should you come under consideration for appointment. This form will be forwarded to An Garda Síochána for security checks on all Irish and Northern Irish addresses at which you resided. If you have lived/worked in a country outside the Republic of Ireland for more than 6 months during the last 5 years, it is mandatory for you to furnish a Police Clearance Certificate from those countries stating that you have no convictions recorded against you while residing there. You will need to provide a separate Police Clearance Certificate for each country you have resided in. Clearance must be dated after the date you left the country. It is your responsibility to seek security clearances in a timely fashion as this can be a lengthy process. Please note you cannot be appointed without this information being provided and being in order.
The CSO is an equal opportunity employer. Assignments will be made based on qualifications and the ability to carry out the responsibilities of the grade or post.
Candidates' Obligations Candidates should note that canvassing will disqualify and will result in their exclusion from the process. Candidates must not: • knowingly or recklessly provide false information • canvass any person with or without inducements • Interfere with or compromise the process in any way.
It is important to remember that this is a competitive process for a role where integrity is paramount. Sharing information on the selection process e.g., through social media or any other means, may result in you being disqualified from the competition. A third party must not personate a candidate at any stage of the process.
Specific Candidate Criteria Candidates must: • Have the knowledge and ability to discharge the duties of the post concerned. • Be suitable on the grounds of character. • Be suitable on the grounds of health and physical fitness. • Be suitable in all other relevant respects for appointment to the post concerned. If successful, they will not be appointed to the post unless they: a) Agree to undertake the duties attached to the post and accept the conditions under which the duties are, or may be required to be, performed. b) Are fully competent and available to undertake, and fully capable of undertaking, the duties attached to the position.
Principal Conditions of Service General The appointment is subject to the Civil Service Regulations Acts 1956 to 2005, the Public Service Management (Recruitmentand Appointments) Act 2004 and any other Act for the time being in force relating to the Civil Service. The appointment is to a permanent position for Permanent Survey Interviewers or to a temporary position for Temporary Survey Interviewers in the Civil Service on a probationary contract for a period of one year from the date of appointment for permanent interviewers and on a pro-rata fixed term contract basis for Temporary Survey Interviewers. Notwithstanding this paragraph and the paragraph immediately following below, this will not preclude an extension of the probationary period in appropriate circumstances. During the period of probation, the appointee’s performance will be subject to review by the relevant supervisor(s) to determine whether the appointee: i. has performed in a satisfactory manner ii. has been satisfactory in general conduct iii. is suitable from the point of view of health with particular regard to sick leave. Prior to completion of probation a decision will be made as to whether or not the appointee will be retained pursuant to Section 5A (2) of the Civil Service Regulations Acts 1956-2005. This decision will be based on the appointee’s performance being assessed against the criteria set out in (i) to (iii) above. The detail of the probationary process will be explained to the appointee by the CSO and the appointee will be given a copy of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform guidelines on probation.
Salary The weekly salary scale with effect from 01st of October 2023 this position is as follows: PPC (Personal Pension Contribution) Scale: €333.98, €352.95, €357.80, €371.83, €385.91, €400, €414.07, €428.15, €441.84, €455.54, €469.26, €485.28, €496.55, €517.77 (NMAX), €534.46 (LSI1), €542.10 (LSI2)
The PPC pay rate applies when the individual is required to pay a Personal Pension Contribution (otherwise known as a main scheme contribution) in accordance with the rules of their main/personal superannuation scheme. This is different to a contribution in respect of membership of a Spouses’ and Children’s scheme, or the Additional Superannuation Contributions (ASC). A different rate will apply where the appointee is not required to make a Personal Pension Contribution. Long service increments may be payable after 3 (LSI1) and 6 (LSI2) years satisfactory service at the maximum of the scale.
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